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If parents would raise their children with a sense of who they are, who their Creator has made them to be, Raise them with integrity,self esteem, self worth-Teach them to value who they are and take pride in themselves,having a sense of purpose, Then what they wear won’t define them. They will make a burlap bag look like Prada. WT

The Holy Spirit spoke those words in my spirit over two years ago, (October 9, 2018) to be exact, but never gave me the release to develop the message until now. I would like to address Christian parents specifically for now. Especially those who are struggling to balance parenting with everything else that’s vying for your attention. We can’t skimp on this assignment. There’s no cutting corners. We do, more often than not, get what we raise. We have a God given responsibility

to ensure that we provide a home where Jesus Christ is Lord.

We are the counterbalance for what the world’s system is peddling to our children. What is a typical day like in your home, parents? What are the familiar sights and sounds that are shaping the minds of your children from birth to their current ages as they grow up in your “Christian home?” The molding years go very quickly, from birth to age six is a critical window. Whatever you have allowed up to that point, pretty much shapes their character, secures boundaries, or exposes rebellion and a lack of respect for your authority. These are the years where a reverential fear of God and a love for Jesus is also birthed.

Their sense of worth is also developing during this period. Your involvement or lack thereof in all the areas mentioned, is a recipe for disaster or a well rounded life. Your godly lifestyle and example will make an impact on their lives. They will begin to imitate you from as early as age three. Their passion for Jesus, if encouraged, will not dissipate. If you will press into your own deeper walk with Jesus, and involve them in your time with the Lord, the indelible mark this leaves on their hearts will be hard to erase. Children are more likely to imitate you than anyone else.

I’m sharing my own personal experience. This was not information I received from a parent manual. These are the lessons the Holy Spirit taught me when Sheri was a little over two years old. Consistency is key to raising children that remain. We can’t vacillate. We have to be confident in our own relationship with Jesus. We need to find or make the time to not only teach them about Jesus, but demonstrate Him as well. This is called “show and tell.” I worked a full time, very demanding job as a single parent. Yet my priority as her spiritual leader never suffered. I’m not bragging I’m stating a fact. I depended on the Holy Spirit for guidance and He taught me how to successfully raise a child who remained.

Don’t allow the enemy to tell you that you don’t have time. You can’t afford the cost of ignoring your responsibility as their introduction to Jesus. I’m speaking to both parents, not just mothers. It doesn’t matter how many children you have, God is still God, the Holy Spirit is still the helper, and Jesus Christ is still the same yesterday, today and forever. Evaluate your life, ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to manage your time, so that you can effectively parent in a godly way. We have involved our children and ourselves, in so many extracurricular activities that we are outside the home more than we’re in. This is not only foolish it’s dangerous. Pastors, if you’re reading this, you are not exempt. If you’ve lost control of your home, you have no business trying to control God’s House.

Nothing should ever interfere with time spent with the Lord as a family. You cannot raise children that remain being absent spiritually. Sunday school is never a substitute for what can be taught and learned at home. Today, what you fail to do will be replaced by social media, yes even at a young age. Toddlers with tablets is introduction to social media. The appetites of young children does not discriminate. It doesn’t know what is good or bad food. The screens all look the same whether they understand or grasp the addictive nature of the instrument you have introduced them to. Electronic devices make a horrible substitution for family time.

I’ve observed toddlers throwing a tantrum when the phone or tablet is taken away. And frankly I don’t care if they’re watching “Christian Bible stories “ it’s still a substitute for your personal teaching time. Sheri learned to pray by kneeling next to me. She learned the importance of Bible study by sitting next to me as I read to her. She learned who she was in Christ because I made the time to teach her, and then I modeled to her what a life in Christ looked like. I wanted a child who remained, and nothing or no one was allowed to stand in the way. Determination and consistency, life spent in Abba’s presence, a willingness to stay the course no matter what, my own personal desires set aside, wanting only to obey the Lord and honor Him in doing what He asked me to do, gave me the blessing I enjoy today.

I’m here to tell you that the Holy Spirit is the best Teacher and mentor you could ever have. He literally coached me. I may have struggled financially, didn’t have a lot of material things, but I prospered in the spirit. The sacrifices have paid great dividends. Raising children that remain is a challenge and a joy. We can’t slacken our hands, we discipline with love, we don’t demean them with our words, we don’t move the boundaries until the Holy Spirit tells us to. We’re not adjusting our principles to accommodate the world’s ever changing environment. We parent God’s way. And He backs us up. It is our responsibility to create heaven in our homes. Show them by example who Jesus is and that He can be depended upon.

Children that remain have parents that remain. They have parents that discern by the Holy Spirit everything that’s going on in their lives. The “do as I say not as I do” is a myth. God didn’t just tell us He loved us, He demonstrated it as well. (Romans 5:8) Deuteronomy 6 teaches that we must first live it in order to give it. We can’t give out of a dry tired place. Our lives must be vibrant- who wants to imitate a joyless faith? Even our struggles are teachable moments. Joys and triumphs are wonderful teachable moments, and nothing beats teaching our children about our faithful God in every circumstance. They will never depart from a life lived purposely for Christ. How can you tell if they’ll remain? Listen for their personal alone time with Jesus. You’ll never have to ask them to pray or read the Bible. I’ve been listening to my daughter’s private worship since she was 6 years old. I’ll miss it when she gets married. And they will also, as scripture says, “Rise up and bless you.” Proverbs 31:28

Side note; as you raise your children to remain, please raise them to respect adults and adult authority. Don’t ever introduce your young children to adults by using their first names. That’s the beginning of bringing adults down to their level. Introduce them as Miss, Mister or Mrs. never by their first names. Teach them to respond with a yes sir yes ma’am not “what.” And do teach them to be thankful. Teach them to appreciate every gift, large and small. Teach them to show gratitude at an early age. In the current world of entitlement, this characteristic will go a long way. Also, if you really want to protect the minds and emotional well-being of your school age kids, clear their bedrooms of all electronic devices. Their bedrooms are for resting. Wondering why your straight kids are now crooked or your compliant child is now showing signs of rebellion? You did that, exposure to the World Wide Web on their smartphones while you’re sleeping. What’s wrong with a flip phone for emergencies only for your pre-teen and teenagers? I know some of you are cringing. Your reaction speaks volumes about you, and the control -or lack thereof-in your homes. Parents, are you suffering from peer pressure?

Your children will appreciate your sacrifice if you’ll be transparent and live a life of trusting God before them. When God provides or gives breakthroughs, share it with them. When they ask for things you can’t give pray about it with them. Teach them by your life to trust the faithfulness of their Father God. Later on God will use them to be a blessing to you. WT

I’ll close with the scripture I quoted from Deuteronomy 6. My prayer for you parents that are trying to do the right thing, and desirous of raising children that remain, is that you will cease struggling and start trusting. Trusting your Teacher. God sent Him to you for a reason. He is better than any book you can read by the most gifted writers. He knows your children before their conception. Lean your entire weight on Him. You will never fall and He will never fail. I know it, because He’s done it and continues to do so for me.

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.”

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭6:4-9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“In the future your children will ask you, ‘What is the meaning of these laws, decrees, and regulations that the Lord our God has commanded us to obey?’

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭6:20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Will you have an answer when they ask?

Endeavor to get the Word in your heart first, then and only then, will you be able to teach it to your children. With the help of the Holy Spirit you are guaranteed to raise children that remain. But you must be willing to do exactly as He asks. Even if it’s old school, and no one else gets it. I was called a lot of things during my season of raising a child that remained. But I wouldn’t change a thing. Obedience is always better than sacrifice, I wasn’t in a popularity contest, I was raising a child of the King. You can too if you’ll trust Him. Pray for spiritual discernment, you’re going to need it. You need to always be two steps ahead of the devil.

As we enter into 2021, let us endeavor to raise children that remain. Make a decision not to lose your children to the world’s system. You may have to make some well needed adjustments, but your Helper is available twenty four seven, three hundred sixty five days of the year. How awesome is that? My continued prayer for you, parents, is that as you seek the Lord’s guidance you will reap the same blessings I’ve been privileged to have. A Happy, healthy, safe and Spirit filled adventurous New Year to you all. Numbers 23:19

Father teach us how to raise Your children Your way. In Jesus Name. Amen 🙏

Nobody ever learns who they are by being told. They must be shown. Tim Keller.

Written by permission of the Holy Spirit

W. Tennant

© Godly Parent Power 2021.  No part of Godly Parent Power & The Morning Messages can be used, adapted, or copied without the permission of the copyright holder.

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