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“At that moment the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Suddenly, the Lord’s words flashed through Peter’s mind: “Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know Me.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭22:61‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Have you encountered the look of Jesus? If you have the Holy Spirit resident on the inside of you, then you most certainly have. We’ve all at some point in our walk with Him, felt His look. The last temptation you had, and while you were contemplating whether to resist or give in, you felt His look. The look that was providing a way of escape. And if you’ve had to deal with the consequences of your disobedience, you’ve felt His look.

We don’t need to have His physical presence to experience His look. We sense His look of approval whenever we’re walking in obedience, His look of appreciation, whenever we’re demonstrating a heart of gratitude, His look of love, whenever we acknowledge His presence, and His look of guidance when two paths are ahead of us, instructing us as to the right way to choose.

He said in Psalm 32 these time tested words:

“I hear the Lord saying, “I will stay close to you, instructing and guiding you along the pathway for your life. I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with My eyes as your guide. So don’t make it difficult; don’t be stubborn when I take you where you’ve not been before. Don’t make Me tug you and pull you along. Just come with Me!”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭32:8-9‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Did you know that? Have you read that before? Take it to heart. I repeat those verses to Him all the time. Whenever I’m faced with situations out of or even in my control. I need His eyes, His look. I can only see what’s in front of me, He sees into the future. His look isn’t always one of displeasure, it’s one of remembrance. Reminding us to heed His Words. Don’t resist His warnings. They’re safety and protection for us. First of all, it’s impossible to escape. He said this:

“The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.

‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭16:9‬ ‭A

“The eyes of the Lord are everywhere and He takes note of everything that happens. He watches over His lovers, and He also sees the wickedness of the wicked.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭15:3‬ ‭TPT‬‬

He’s the God who sees. He’s intentional in His seeing. As we position ourselves in His view, we’re benefited. Aren’t you glad our God takes particular interest in how our attitude is towards Him? Aren’t you comforted by knowing that He’s not waiting to pounce, but ready to defend us because of what He sees? What a good God we serve! There’s no need to hide, let Him look, in His seeing is our hope. He saw Israel’s plight and sent a deliverer. He saw our plight and sent Jesus. His look shows that He cares for us.

Take heart dear ones, God sees you. Whatever you may have done, or are facing, He sees you. His look leads to repentance and restoration. His isn’t a glance or a stare. There’s always a purpose. Embrace the look of your Savior, don’t hide or try to coverup. Let His look clothe you, refresh and revive you. Peter discovered, that within the look was love. Not judgment. His look is filled with compassion as with the woman caught in adultery, the widow of Nain, the leper, the blind men, the crowds, the little children. I’m sure you’ve read these accounts in the gospels. Don’t spurn His looking. Let Him guide you with His eyes upon you. Now that you’re aware that He’s looking, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.

Father in the Name of Jesus

How blessed we are to know that Your eyes a forever on us. There’s no place where we can escape Your tender look of love towards us. Help me understand and learn more about You in Your Word, so that I will not run away but towards You. Grant us more and more experiences with You to help us be more confident in our relationship with You. In Jesus Name. Amen

Written by permission of the Holy Spirit

W. Tennant

© Godly Parent Power 2021.  No part of Godly Parent Power & The Morning Messages can be used, adapted, or copied without the permission of the copyright holder.

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