“Afterward, Jesus left Capernaum and returned with his disciples to Nazareth, His hometown. On the Sabbath, He went to teach in the synagogue. Everyone who heard His teaching was overwhelmed with astonishment. They said among themselves, “What incredible wisdom has been given to Him! Where did He receive such profound insights? And what mighty miracles flow through His hands! Isn’t this Mary’s son, the carpenter, the brother of Jacob, Joseph, Judah, and Simon? And don’t his sisters all live here in Nazareth?” And they took offense at Him. Jesus said to them, “A prophet is treated with honor everywhere except in his own hometown, among his relatives, and in his own house.” He was unable to do any great miracle in Nazareth, except to heal a few sick people by laying His hands upon them. He was amazed at the depth of their unbelief! Then Jesus went out into the different villages and taught the people.”
Mark 6:1-6 TPT
Are you struggling with biblical truths? Are you offended by what you may consider as Jesus answering everyone else’s prayers but yours? Have you talked yourself into doubt and unbelief? You cannot receive what you don’t believe. See Morning Messages 2/23/21.
The people in Jesus’ hometown were amazed and offended all at the same time. What strange and opposing responses. Jesus had been doing good all over town, you’d think his family and neighbors would’ve welcomed Him with open arms. Instead they missed their moment to be made whole. They chose unbelief instead. They say familiarity breeds contempt, but this wasn’t just anybody, this was the Miracle Worker Himself. He didn’t send His disciples to His hometown, He showed up to do for them what He’s been doing for everyone else. But they were offended because of their jealousy and scorning of Him.
Notice we didn’t read that Jesus was shocked, He was amazed, surprised even, at the level of their unbelief. Have we given Him reasons to be amazed at us? After all the years we have been saved, after all the years we have been telling others about Him. He finally shows up and we’re so upset that He hadn’t answered our last prayer request. We miss our moment. The few who weren’t offended, the few who had waited longer than us, received their deliverance and all we’re left with is being offended.
Can you imagine having access to a better covenant with better promises, yet never taking advantage of it? Can you imagine being offered divine health, divine prosperity, divine life and choosing sickness, lack and hopelessness because we chose unbelief? That’s what Jesus encountered that day. That’s what He’s encountering today. A Church filled with doubt and unbelief. I mentioned a better covenant with better promises. Hebrews 8. We no longer have to perform rituals to gain access to Him. We’re not good enough, so He came near. He brought His goodness to us. Most people went to where Jesus was to be healed-not His hometown, He went to them. This was a special trip. They chose amazement and unbelief instead of believing and receiving.
When He shows up for you what will He find? Will He be amazed at the level of unbelief or will He find great faith? He desires to heal more than a headache, to provide more than today’s meal, He desires to make you whole, spiritually, physically and economically. He desires to fulfill His Word in you. He may be a carpenter’s son, but He possesses all wisdom, all authority and all power to meet every known need. But He is limited by our unbelief. Is it possible that He has shown up for you and you’ve missed Him? Is it possible that a few other believing folks got what was meant for you?
The Lord sent a message to John the Baptist warning him to not allow his circumstances to cause offense. He knew who Jesus was. He introduced Him as the Lamb of God, he baptized Him in the Jordan River. Why was he asking if He was the One or should they be expecting another? Our circumstances, if we allow them, will cause unbelief. But Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. He was there in Nazareth to do what He’s been doing everywhere for everyone. Don’t allow delay or your current situation to cause offense and unbelief. Don’t allow what you think you know to breed contempt. Heed Jesus’ warning to John the Baptist.
“John’s disciples reported to him in prison about all the wonderful miracles and the works Jesus was doing. So John dispatched two of his disciples to go and inquire of Jesus. When they came before the Master, they asked Him, “Are you the coming Messiah we’ve been expecting, or are we to continue to look for someone else? John the prophet has sent us to You to seek your answer.” Without answering, Jesus turned to the crowd and healed many of their incurable diseases. His miracle power freed many from their suffering. He restored the gift of sight to the blind, and He drove out demonic spirits from those who were tormented. Only then did Jesus answer the question posed by John’s disciples. “Now go back and tell John what you have just seen and heard here today. The blind are now seeing. The crippled are now walking. Those who were lepers are now cured. Those who were deaf are now hearing. Those who were dead are now brought back to life. The poor and broken are given the hope of salvation. And tell John these words: ‘The blessing of heaven comes upon those who never lose their faith in Me, no matter what happens.’ ”
Luke 7:18-23 TPT
I love how Jesus answered the enquiry, instead of words He demonstrated His response. Sometimes we’re waiting around for a “word” when the answer we’re seeking is staring us in the face. He’s here! He’s with you right now. Stop critiquing, stop complaining and believe! Be the few that receive what you need from the Master. Let Him be amazed, let Him marvel at the depth of your great faith. He’s not just Mary’s son, He’s the Son of the living God! And He’s come to perform a miracle in YOUR life!
Written by permission of the Holy Spirit
W. Tennant
December 23, 2021