“Now to Him Who is able to strengthen you in the faith which is in accordance with my Gospel and the preaching of (concerning) Jesus Christ (the Messiah), according to the revelation (the unveiling) of the mystery of the plan of redemption which was kept in silence and secret for long ages, But is now disclosed and through the prophetic Scriptures is made known to all nations, according to the command of the eternal God, [to win them] to obedience to the faith, To [the] only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ (the Anointed One)! Amen (so be it).”
Romans 16:25-27 AMPC
How do you view your Christian experience in light of the gospel? Is it good news to you and those around you? Has it become the very breath of your life? Do you fellowship and commune with its Author daily? How has it changed and impacted the way you think, act and believe? Do you embrace its truths as the only way to eternal life or are you skeptical? Are there areas where you doubt it’s authenticity? Have you been influenced by the opinion of others regarding its message? Do you know where you are right now?
Biblical truths, meaning, everything God has spoken, are irrefutable. Do you believe that? Let’s explore what Paul meant by his message. He wasn’t giving an opinion, but he had become so convinced that the gospel message he believed and preached was without error, that he embraced it fully as his very own. Do you remember a past message entitled, It’s Personal But It Ain’t Private? If you don’t, you should check the archives on godlyparentpower.com. It was a really great message. When you have fully accepted the message of the gospel, which is the good news about Jesus, you can’t help but possess it as your own, but it’s too good to keep it to yourself.
I’ve never been more proud to be a gentile who has been engrafted into the family of God through Christ Jesus. The revealed Word has changed and transformed my life. Now it’s my gospel. Accepting its truths has strengthened me in these three very important areas.
Personal experience: the gospel will through personal experience, produce a character of liberty and freedom in Christ to walk in the covenant of grace. It will give birth to the gifts and calling of God with integrity and boldness to share freely His good news. The Word of God will enlighten you, removing your opinion and replacing it with revelation knowledge.
Personal conviction: you’ll feel everything you say, and you’ll never speak more loudly than you feel. Personal biblical convictions are never based on one’s opinion of the gospel message. If you’re not convinced of the truth you profess you’ll never speak up when there’s an opportunity to share the gospel. Conviction opens our minds to the truth.
Personal responsibility: The gospel is for all people, anywhere and everywhere. We are the living epistle or billboards for the lost. When Jesus says come, we won’t hesitate. When He says ask, we’ll ask with bold faith.
We have a personal responsibility to present the gospel without error. The gospel must not be tampered with, we must submit to its authority and influence.
How would you fill in the blank for those three areas? Take the opportunity to do that this week or today. The Holy Spirit might open your eyes to areas that you may need to make some changes in. We’ve all experienced all three at some point in our born again encounter with Jesus. These three areas allows us to be authentic when sharing the Gospel’s Good News. No one can argue with personal experience, personal conviction and personal responsibility, why? Because it’s personal. It’s exclusively yours. Opinions don’t matter when you have the proof. So share with confidence what Bible Truth has produced in you.
Remember, if it’s not Biblical, it’s your opinion. And that never changes lives. Always point the hearer to the Word of God. Support every argument or conviction with Scripture. The Word has and always will stand up to any scrutiny. It never returns void. Isaiah 55:11
Some follow Me out of duty, others out of curiosity, but you, My chosen ones, follow Me out of delight. Take My hand and be faithful in all things, for I Am your great reward🙏
Written by permission of the Holy Spirit
W. Tennant
April 7, 2021