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Hebrews 1: 1-3

“Going through a long line of prophets, God has been addressing our ancestors in different ways for centuries. But in these last days He speaks to us directly through His Son. By His Son, God created the world in the beginning, and it will all belong to the Son at the end. This Son perfectly mirrors God, and is stamped with God’s nature. He holds everything together by what He says—powerful Words

When was the last time you had a hearing test? No, I’m not speaking of natural terms but spiritual. When was the last time you actually heard the voice of Jesus by His Spirit, speaking directly to you? This is a very important question. I was awakened this morning, June 9,2020 with the words of The above scripture being spoken to me. It starts out by outlining the different ways God has spoken in the past, then Segway into RECENTLY or BUT NOW (depending on translation) He’s speaking directly through His Son. So when was the last time you heard from Jesus? Our spiritual senses must be trained to hear His voice. Jesus said these words: “MY sheep hear MY voice.” John 10:27

Today, the primary way you’ll hear Him is through His Word. So for starters, if you’re in a church where the preacher never opens the Bible, I don’t care how long you’ve been attending, it’s time to leave because he/she is not speaking for God. Bold statement, but true. If the only way God is speaking is through His Son(The Word) then how can you hear Him without His Word? See John 1. If you’re not reading the Bible, but instead books about the Bible, it doesn’t matter how popular the author, no literature replaces God’s Word. TODAY...God speaks through His Word. Jesus said to His disciples, “When He, the Spirit of Truth comes, He will remind you of everything I have said.” John 14:26

We have a breakdown in the body of Christ from the pulpit to the pew. I don’t know about you, but I can always tell when a pastor has not prepared his/her message through studying the Word. That’s why most of them put on theatrics, to make up for the fact that they have nothing to say. The Body of Christ is not growing because the preacher doesn’t read the Bible and neither does half the congregation. I have never understood folks who go to church without their Bibles. Well correction, the Holy Spirit just said “they don’t need to, they won’t be using it anyway in most churches.” I understand preaching styles are different, but we’re not speaking of styles here,but rather the teaching of the Word. You can NOT have a preacher who doesn’t use the Inherent Word of God!

If the writer of Hebrews said “ But now God is speaking through His Son, the Word, that became flesh,” how else will you hear Him? How will you know that He’s your Savior? How will you know that He’s your Father? How will you know that He’s sent His Holy Spirit to fill and teach you? How will you grow spiritually? How will you know that He’s your Deliverer? How will you know that He’s your Healer? How will you know that He’s your need supplier? How will you know that He is your good Shepherd? How will you know that He’s your Comforter? How will you know that He fights for you? How will you know that He is faithful? How will you know that He is love? How will you know that He is your present help? How will you know that He’s a friend that sticks closer than any brother?How will you know that He’s merciful? How will you know that He says your Maker is your husband when you feel all alone? How will you know He’s a Way Maker? How will you know that He’s your rear guard? How will you know that He’s your Peace? How will you know that He’s a Promise Keeper? How will you know He’s your Prosecuting and Defense Attorney? How will you know that He sings and rejoices over you? How will you know that He speaks? How will you gain godly wisdom, knowledge and understanding? How will you know what faith in God is?How will you know real joy? He’s everything you need and will ever need! But HOW WILL YOU KNOW?? HOW WILL YOU GROW??? YOU CANNOT and WILL NOT Without first hand knowledge of His Word.

Show me someone who says they’re a Christian who has never read the Bible and I’ll show you a person who’s never met Jesus. It’s impossible to know Him independently of His Word. Listen, you may say I commune with “god” through nature. That’s great! But where did you first meet Him to know that He created nature? Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Those words are not found any place else but in the Bible. If you’re not hearing from God, you’re not reading His Word. And if you’re lacking understanding of the Word, you’re missing the Holy Spirit, because Jesus said when He, the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. If you’re born again today, it’s because you heard and by faith received the Word of God. If you’re not growing in your walk with Jesus, it’s because you’re not hearing or studying the scriptures. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17. We all need to be in a church where the Pastor studies and teaches the Word.

The scriptures says “The entrance of His Word gives light” Psalm 119:130. If you read that entire Psalm it’s the longest chapter in the Bible. It’s full of references to the Word and what it produces. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105. In the same way we cannot grow without natural food, we cannot grow spiritually without spiritual food, which is the Word of God. So if you’re not hearing Him, check your spiritual connection. Maybe you’ll need to upgrade to a different ministry or take the initiative to study to show yourself approved unto God. 2 Timothy 2:15.

When I first came to America I went to a church my mom attended. That’s where my backsliding started. I came from a strict religious background, a lot of “don’t’s” but not much to fill the gaps. Here there was so much freedom, I thought, I was like a prisoner set free. But it wasn’t freedom in Christ but from Him. That preacher was like a recording. I could repeat his lines. Looking back now, he never studied the scriptures. He sounded good but was an empty suit. He had a degree from cemetery, I mean seminary, but he was an empty suit. Charismatic, but an empty suit. Talented, gifted speaker, but an empty suit spiritually. When we replace the Word with what is popular, the Church will suffer. The first time I had a biblical question he was stumped and mumbled like a stutterer. I asked him to explain this verse the Lord had given me in a dream. (Luke17:37) he didn’t even offer to get back to me. He basically said I don’t know what you’re asking me to do🤦‍♀️I told my mother I needed to find another church.

It wasn’t until I began reading the Bible for myself that the Word of God began to ignite a fire and passion in me. I remember exactly when too. It was November 1987. I was attending another church for a few years at the time. I fasted and prayed fervently for my pastor to begin preaching the Word. He went on a 6 month sabbatical and came back a changed man. My thirsty soul was made glad. They too, after the pastor was transferred, hired another empty suit and I transitioned to my current church. My life exploded spiritually! I had never heard the Bible taught consistently like that. I felt like I was in Bible school and attending for free. Pastor DeMola, God rest his soul, was a Spirit filled Bible believing preacher. I couldn’t get enough. I became a Berean (Acts17) and God met me through Jesus Christ His Son and radically changed my life. I’m doing what I am today because of the foundation that was laid by the Word of God. You WILL NOT grow as a Christian without biblical knowledge!

The psalmist writes these words in Psalm 119:9 “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to YOUR WORD.” Everything we need for our natural and spiritual lives is written in the Bible. God has made provision through His Son for us in His Word that became flesh. You cannot have a relationship with Jesus if you’re not reading His Word, because that’s His language, that’s how He communicates with His children. So can you hear Him now? Are you born again? Filled with His Spirit? Spending quality time in the Word? Then you should be. Are you lacking in understanding of what you’re reading? Then ask the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual ears, become a part of a good bible study group, if you aren’t already. Get in a Bible believing Church where the Pastor actually teaches from the Bible and demonstrates a love for Jesus Christ. You’ll know by the Holy Spirit if he/she is. Deep calls out to deep. Psalm 42:7 The deep things of God calling to the deep things of man. Spirit speaking to spirit. We are spiritual beings, so this is how He communicates with us. If the preacher has a connection to God spiritually, they will connect to us in the same way when they’re teaching the Word. Gain a heart of wisdom, so you’ll learn to spiritually discern what is of God and what isn’t, especially given the times we’re living in.

Father in the Name of Jesus, I desire to hear you more clearly. I know now that it’s impossible to hear you independently of Your Word since that’s the way you have chosen to speak to me. Give me a hearing heart and the ability to discern what comes from you and what doesn’t. You said if I lack wisdom to ask of You who gives it liberally. So I am asking today. Give me Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding, so that I can rightly divide the truth of Your Word. In Jesus Name.

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭33:3‬ ‭

Written by permission of the Holy Spirit

W. Tennant


© Godly Parent Power 2021.  No part of Godly Parent Power & The Morning Messages can be used, adapted, or copied without the permission of the copyright holder.

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