Go ahead! Yell at me! Tell me I have no idea what you’re going through. You’re right. I don’t know, but I’m not the one telling you to Dance. Jesus is. He’s asking you to demonstrate your absolute trust in Him, and dance through the noise of whatever you’re facing. Can I share what that does to the enemy after you calm down? It PARALYZES him.
“You have built a stronghold by the songs of children. Strength rises up with the chorus of infants. This kind of praise has power to shut Satan’s mouth. Childlike worship will silence the madness of those who oppose you.” Psalms 8:2 TPT
He has no idea what to do with a child of God who knows how to dance, praise and worship Jesus in the midst of hell itself. Most of us know how to dance when life is good. All our ducks are in a row. But every now and then one of our ducks won’t make the lineup. Our perfect world comes under attack. But even though we may be rocked for a moment, even bent to the ground, Like the palm tree and cedars of Lebanon, we’ll not break and we’ll not fall or fail. Why? Because the One who said dance! Holds the outcome. See Psalm 92:12-15
Bad news and unexpected events are intended by the enemy to shake our confidence in Jesus Christ. That’s what Satan tried to do with Job and some friends of mine. But it backfired. Like Job, the news hurt worse than hell itself. But I watched them dance when the circumstances drowned out the music. Job fell on his face and worshipped. Satan tried everything, but when the outcome he wanted didn’t happen, he slinked away like the snake that he is. When my daughter suffered first, second and third degree burns at the age of twelve, our first response wasn’t panic, it was prayer. We immediately began to pray in the Holy Ghost and declare what we wanted the outcome to be.
Nothing the specialists told us would be the outcome manifested. I even dismissed two of them when they wouldn’t stop speaking negatively about the situation. She became their poster child in the end. She was ministering to other patients in the burn unit. We had to dance when the circumstances drowned out the music. Now granted, your situation may be more dire. But the One who tells us to dance, sees each situation we face in the same way. He is the Healer, Sustainer, Provider, Deliverer, Comforter, Restorer, Mountain moving God. Nothing is impossible or too hard for Him to handle. We may have to Dance through the tears, but dance anyway!
Let’s explore some other scriptures that encourage us to dance. This doesn’t in any way diminish or make light of what you’re going through. It shifts the pressure off you and places it squarely on the Lord Jesus Christ. He’s the one who instructed us to cast ALL our cares on Him. 1 Peter 5:7. Whatever He’s allowed is never intended to break us but to establish us. Unless whatever you’re going through is because of sin in your life, then like David His chastening will feel like your bones are wasting away. But that’s not what this message is about. This instruction to Dance is for those who have come under attack from the enemy.
“So hear me now, Lord; show me Your famous mercy. O God, be my Savior and rescue me! Then He broke through and transformed all my wailing into a whirling dance of ecstatic praise! He has torn the veil and lifted from me the sad heaviness of mourning. He wrapped me in the glory-garments of gladness. How could I be silent when it’s time to praise You? Now my heart sings out, bursting with joy— a bliss inside that keeps me singing, “I can never thank You enough!”
Psalms 30:10-12 TPT
This entire Psalm was written when David’s circumstances drowned out the music. If anyone knew what it felt like to go from super high to gut wrenching lows it was David. He earned the title “Man after God’s own heart.” Not because he was perfect and did everything right, but because he knew how to dance. He never blamed or gave up on God. And we shouldn’t either. We live in a fallen world. We’re going to go through hard times, we’re going to face difficulties, heartaches, heartbreaks, discouragement and disappointments. But we should never lose our ability to dance. He dances with us. Zephaniah 3:14-17
“Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! It’s time to sing to God a brand-new song so that all His holy people will hear how wonderful He is! May Israel be enthused with joy because of Him, and may the sons of Zion pour out their joyful praises to their King. Break forth with dancing! Make music and sing God’s praises with the rhythm of drums! For He enjoys His faithful lovers. He adorns the humble with His beauty, and He loves to give them victory. His godly lovers triumph in the glory of God, and their joyful praises will rise even while others sleep. God’s high and holy praises fill their mouths, for their shouted praises are their weapons of war!”
Psalms 149:1-6 TPT
Our victory or defeat is tied to our mouths and our willingness to dance through the storm. As I stated earlier, it confuses hell. Satan doesn’t know what to do with a dancer. The situation may not change right away, but we will. Dancing through pain and disappointment has the opposite effect of what the devil planned on happening. We’re strengthened in ways we cannot express in words. There’s a peace that transcends the intellect. To the world it makes no sense. But to us dancing was our best option. The joy of the Lord truly is our strength. It’s what caused Paul and Silas to break out in worship and praise in a prison cell at midnight while everyone was asleep. In other words, they danced even though their backs were torn apart by the beatings they had endured earlier.
Our circumstances don’t define us, we define them by how we choose to respond. So will you dance? Will you take His hand and let Him lead you in a dance of a lifetime? Will you let Him be the music in your heart and soul? Let your faith in Jesus drown out the noise and distraction of the enemy. The best dance is the one you don’t feel like dancing. Push through and release a shout of praise. He’ll take it from there. Place your feet on His, and dance.
“The young women will dance for joy, and the men—old and young—will join in the celebration. I will turn their mourning into joy. I will comfort them and exchange their sorrow for rejoicing.”
Jeremiah 31:13 NLT
Written by permission of the Holy Spirit
W. Tennant
June 14, 2021