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What will separate us from the love Christ has for us? Can trouble, distress, persecution, hunger, nakedness, danger, or violent death separate us from His love? The One who loves us gives us an overwhelming victory in all these difficulties. I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love which Christ Jesus our Lord shows us.

Romans 8:35, 37-38 (GW)

Those encouraging words written by the apostle Paul by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit speaks volumes. When we give our hearts and lives to Jesus, that’s when true love begins. Human love is so fickle and conditional that we have difficulty knowing where it begins and ends. We love our cars, we love our animals, we love our clothes, money, careers etc and we love each other. See the problem? Loving things and using people🎼 yep! Another song lol

Not so with God. His love has and forever will be Hesed the Hebrew word for love. Which by definition means a love that even though not returned by the recipients, is given anyway. It’s a one-way love. God to human. Steadfast sacrificial zeal for the true good of another. John 3:16-17. Then we have Agape love. This love is also shown through God’s Son Jesus. When He gave His life for us while we were still in our sins. Unconcerned for self. Totally unsolicited. This love is shared between God to man man to God and with each other. It’s the purest form of love. 1 Corinthians 13 and 1 John 3:16 Next we have Eros ( sensual romantic love) this is the love between a man and wife. But as with everything that is good, we cheapen it in a myriad different ways. Exchanging what God intended to be pure for lust. Then Philia/Phileo (friendship love or brotherly love) This love is voluntarily acted upon. It’s never sensual or romantic (friends with benefits 🤦‍♀️)you get to choose who you want to be friends with. You mutually agree where and how far this relationship goes. Shared interest or viewpoints generally fosters growth. (See the story of David and Jonathan 1 Samuel 18) Then finally we have Storge this love is mostly familial affection. The kind that comes from kinship or close contact. This love can be felt for a pet as well as a regular acquaintance. We should not expect to feel this love towards everyone. It’s not like Agape.

We learn how to truly love by receiving and accepting God’s love for us. 1 John 4:19 reads: We love because God first loved us. I had no idea what true love was until I received Jesus as Lord of my life. I had been shown such warped examples of love that I didn’t know how to give or receive it. I’ve shared that experience in my book. A Single Parent’s guide to Raising Children God’s Way. I’ve learned that we are incapable of sharing what we do not possess. Acknowledging that truth has helped me forgive those who through ignorance have caused me harm.

Sometimes by confusing the different types of love, we find ourselves bereft of true love. Most people caught up in abusive relationships have confused Philia /Phileo with Eros. Or Storge with Eros. Physical attraction is not Agape. Once the lines are blurred, we’ve stepped on a landmine. And we all know the results of that. Emotional love leaves us dry. I often cautioned my daughter as a young teenage girl, keep your head, leave your emotions out of whatever it is until you have a clear understanding of where the relationship is going. Be friends first, I often told her. Get to know them as friends. Friends let their guard down, infatuation or lust pretends until it gets what it wants. God is not the author of infatuation, Satan is! He has twisted and turned everything good into evil. As we grow in our relationship with Jesus we will learn to identify the differences.

So, feeling unloved lately? Come to Love in its purest form. Come to Jesus. He doesn’t put you down, He lifts you up. He doesn’t abuse He comforts and heals. He doesn’t criticize, He gives beauty for ashes. He doesn’t disappoint, He keeps ALL His promises. He doesn’t reveal your secrets, He covers you with His love. And remember He sings over you, rejoicing over you with shouts of joy! He’s your greatest cheer leader and ardent supporter. Who wouldn’t want to be loved like that? And His is a love that never fails, never runs out. He’s never too busy for you. No waiting on line. Easy access 24/7 365. So feeling unloved? Why? He’s got you, do you have Him?

Oh Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee. You are my first and only true love, Lord God. I Don’t know where my life would be without You. You have taught me how to give and receive love. Agape love. Everyday you teach me in your Word more about You. The more I discover, the more I love You. Thank you for never disappointing me. For always being there for me. You truly light up my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. (That’s my prayer, you may want to pray from your own heart today if you have experienced His great love) and if you haven’t...well..

My incredible God deserves incredible praise🎼

Written by permission of the Holy Spirit.

W. Tennant

© Godly Parent Power 2021.  No part of Godly Parent Power & The Morning Messages can be used, adapted, or copied without the permission of the copyright holder.

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