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If anyone had told me the church would be leading in the fear brigade before Covid I would have been standing up in defense of her. But I’d be left with egg on my face. Now let me say I’m not denying that the disease wasn’t dangerous. I have lost people that I know personally to this satanic but purely man orchestrated pandemic. That being said, To observe Bible- believing, tongue talking, faith professing folks cower in fear was embarrassing and repulsive to me. We have perpetuated the biggest hoax on the unsaved world. We have lied to them about Jesus being the healer, protector, provider, deliverer and sustainer in every and all circumstances.

We have proven instead that we have been actors. Performers when life is good, and cowards when thrown a curveball. If Jesus can heal cancer, raise the dead, walk on water, feed thousands with a sack lunch, but is powerless over Covid, then He’s not the Jesus of the Bible we’ve been preaching. The government shut the churches down labeling us non essential, and we folded like a deck of cards and complained. The government tells us that we can open the churches, and now we’re finding excuses not to go back. But the real reason is, we’ve grown comfortable after a year plus of watching church in our pajamas, sipping coffee. We no longer see the need to obey God’s Word in Hebrews 10:25. Complacency breeds weakness. Weakness leads to apathy and eventually backsliding. No accountability leads to the casting off of restraints.

Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭29:18‬ ‭ESV‬‬

When the church loses its passion for the biblical standards God has set, we will embrace the world’s ways and ideology. What are we about, people of God? If Jehovah is God, serve Him! If Baal is god then serve him! But we can’t have it both ways. God is not into our comfort, He’s about our souls prospering through the full adherence to His Word. Not what suits you but what pleases Him. When are we going to stop playing church and BE the church Jesus shed His blood for? When are we going to stop peddling the gospel purely for what we think we can get out of it, but don’t live or believe a word it says? We’re hypocrites! No wonder the world sees us as non essential.

Covid may be a new virus- which I believe is a lie-But even if it is, what is that to our God? In Psalm 103 Creator God said through His servant, and I quote, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals ALL your diseases,”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭103:2-3‬ ‭ESV‬‬. Is Covid a disease? It’s not new to God. Did you get your two doses? Then why aren’t you back in God’s house, why are the doors to God’s houses still shut? If you didn’t get your shot the church is still open. What are you afraid of pastors, what are you afraid of people of faith? Dying?! The Bible says we’re all going to die.

And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,”Hebrews‬ ‭9:27‬ ‭ESV‬‬

We all have an appointment with death. We can’t stop it. God protected us for an entire year without a shot, now you have built your entire life on a vaccine. Some of you have both shots and still won’t shed the mask. That’s fear on steroids-am I talking to the church of Jesus Christ!? The world has less fear than the body of Christ. So now to the big question given all that I have observed during this season: Will the church be the first in line to receive the mark of the beast?

Will we love our lives so much that we’ll compromise to save our lives? Is our comfort more important than our commitment to Jesus Christ? Am I talking to the body of Christ? I told the Bible study group at the onset of Covid, that this will be a defining moment for the Church, that the Word we claim to believe would be tested. I wish I could say I was wrong and that we stepped up. But some -not all -have failed miserably. Some of us were attacked but came through by standing on God’s Word. Others became so fearful they wouldn’t even leave their homes. God help us.

The Bible says this about those who truly practiced what they preach.

And they have conquered him(Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭12:11‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Did you catch that? They loved not their lives even unto death. We all love to quote the first half of that verse. But read the entire verse. We don’t get to entangle ourselves with what’s happening in the world. 2 Timothy 2:4 We have been called, chosen to a higher dimension of what we consider living. If Covid sent the church packing, then it’s safe to say that the first sign of the tribulation will send the church to the head of the lineup for the mark. Jesus said this in the book of Revelation: The fearful and unbelieving will be cast into the lake of fire. Revelation 21:8. This is why most preachers won’t teach this stuff. It’s an indictment against them. They lead the fear brigade.

Whether we choose to believe it or not, we are living in the last days. The signs are everywhere. If we become preoccupied and distracted by what is of no value to the Kingdom of God, we will lose our spiritual footing. If we neglect assembling and the Word of God, we’ll be defenseless against the onslaught of the devil. We need to pick a side and stick with it. Don’t embarrass yourselves by preaching one thing and living another. If you’re afraid of dying then you need to get born again. If you’re living in fear you need to get saved. Dead people can’t die, you read that message archived November 2020. We have been crucified with Christ. We’re dead to who we were and alive to who He is.

We are to fear Him! Not be afraid and fearful of anything or anyone else. We speak to mountains, remember? We’ve been given authority, remember? You’ve read my testimony how the Lord told me in prayer without explanation that nothing shall by any means hurt me. That was Friday morning. Sunday morning I woke up with all the symptoms of Covid. I remembered the Word of the Lord to me. Got up, went about my business, and didn't speak about it to anyone, not even my daughter. I stood firm on God’s words while my body was roasting with fever and hurting all over. Monday morning it was (Psalm 103) completely and supernaturally gone! Hallelujah! He spoke I listened and responded with believing faith. My brother Don and his wife were attacked, they remained in the Word, he shared that there were times when he thought he would’ve lost his wife and even his own life, but he stood on the word at home. They’re both completely healed with no leftover symptoms, even though his wife was considered compromised. That’s what we’re supposed to do. Stand in faith not fear! Jesus Christ is still Lord! And He’s Lord over ALL diseases.

Jesus doesn’t have a shortage of miracles, He has a problem finding faith in believers. So the question is, if Jesus tarries and you miss the rapture because you refuse to live a sold out life for Jesus Christ, will you be at the front of the line? If you’re comfortable with a lukewarm life, things are good, what will your response be when the true test of your faith comes? Selah. Covid was smoke. What will the church do with the fire? How many people died without Jesus while doctors and nurses who professed faith in Jesus Christ didn’t share the Word with them? We are called to action, thank God for those who did. A teacher recently shared that a student ran into his teacher at church while visiting. He asked her, “you go to this church?” She said yes! He asked, “so you’re a Christian?“ She said yes. He responded, “Wow! How come the entire time I was in your class I never knew that?” What a shame. Matthew 5:16 is our marching orders. Covid has exposed the church. And it’s not a pretty picture.

Happy Independence Day weekend! Keep the Lord always at the center of your celebrations🙏

Written by permission of the Holy Spirit

W. Tennant

July 2, 2021

© Godly Parent Power 2021.  No part of Godly Parent Power & The Morning Messages can be used, adapted, or copied without the permission of the copyright holder.

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