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You’d think it would or at least should, but it doesn’t. Sometimes having too much can make us complacent, arrogant, selfish, high minded, prideful and judgmental. It can even produce hardened hearts if we’re not careful. We begin to tell ourselves like Nebuchadnezzar, that we did it. We created our prosperity, we built our careers and lives. I, Me, My. What’s to keep us from crediting ourselves with breathing?

If we listen to, or read certain articles about celebrities or even some Christians who have been blessed with wealth, you’d think God had nothing to do with where they are. Whether they choose to acknowledge Him or not, nothing or no one has the power to exist independently of our Creator God. The Bible says everything was created through and by the Lord Jesus Christ. John 1. And that He makes the rain, which signifies blessing, to fall on the righteous and unrighteous alike. Matthew 5:45. That’s goodness and mercy. We may act independently of Him, but we aren’t really, we need Him to survive.

Our greatest example is Israel. It’s written and you’ve read where I have repeated that over and over. Their blessings and punishment are recorded for us from Exodus to Malachi-Teaching us how to avoid the costly mistakes they have made by ignoring the commands of God. God brought them out of slavery with a high hand. They plundered the Egyptians. God removed nations, kings and kingdoms to establish His people. He did exactly what He promised. He gave them houses they didn’t build, vineyards and groves they didn’t plant, wealth and honor they hadn’t earned. He caused the fear of them to fill wherever they went. He indeed brought them to a land flowing with milk and honey. But that didn’t make them grateful.

When was the last time you just sat and took stock of your life? Looked around your home, apartment, job, family, extended family and said thank you Jesus, thank you Abba! You have been good to me. You have blessed me in ways unimaginable. I wouldn’t be here were it not for Your goodness, grace and mercy. Your loving kindness is truly better than life. How may I bless You today? How may I serve You, for all Your kindness towards me? We may not be driving the car we’d like, living in the home we’d like, working a job we’d like to, but we have all the things I’ve mentioned. And what makes it a blessing is a grateful heart. Promotion comes to a heart that knows how to be grateful. God is always looking for ways to promote and bless us. But we have despised the small beginnings.

God used manna to prove Israel’s heart towards Him. He used a lack of water on their journey out of slavery to test their loyalty and trust in Him. Who knows why He has chosen to have us where we are. How have you been responding, what have you been saying? Jesus said if we’re faithful over little things, we’d be made rulers over much. Do you know that we can break God’s heart? Every time I read the Old Testament and Israel’s rebellion, I hear his heart. I hear His disappointment with the ingratitude of His people. But we’re doing the same thing today. How do you feel when your children, friends or family diss you? When they take your kindness for granted? When they take and take but never say thank you or even acknowledge what you’ve done? This is my second message along these lines. Is the Lord trying to get our attention about how we’re treating Him? Have we grown cold in our affection for Him? Have we become insensitive to Him and all He does continually for us?

Are we so self absorbed that we have forgotten to be grateful? We are what we are by His grace, we do what we do through Him who gives us strength. He prepares a table before us, He watches over us and guides our steps. He gives us sleep and awakens us each day, every day is a gift from Him. Your next breath is from Him. The dollar or a thousand dollars in your wallet or bank account is from Him. That cup of water you just drank is from Him. We live and move because of Him. A grateful heart is better than amassed wealth. Gratitude opens doors of opportunity to us. That great idea you just had, that’s Him. That sudden change of heart or plans you just had, that’s Him. Make a habit of saying thank you Jesus! Even if nothing is happening in the natural realm that you’re aware of. You may say “that’s just silly” maybe, but it builds an awareness that He’s always doing something for us. I do that incessantly. One evening on my way home from work, I remember exactly where I was too. I was at the light on Bloomfield avenue across from State Street Grill, some of you may be familiar with the location. I said thank you Lord. He responded, “what for?” I said “You’re always up to something, so I’m thanking you in advance.” We don’t need a reason to be grateful. Especially when everything comes from Him. He deserves our gratitude period!

The lone leper that returned to show his gratitude for being healed left whole. He received more than the other nine. They got their flesh restored, he got his whole life back. Spiritually, physically and financially. Whatever was lost during his leperous years was supernaturally restored. Why? He returned to show gratitude. Maybe some of us are stuck with no movement in our circumstances for years, because gratitude is replaced by murmuring and complaining. Israel was blessed above all nations and people groups, but ingratitude and their ability to forget God’s goodness and His commands, was their downfall-And it’s becoming ours too. America is a blessed nation, in spite of its many faults and imperfections. Anyone can make it here. If it’s so horrible then why are so many people risking their lives to come here? But a nation that forgets God will come to ruins. Only as we return to Him, as Israel did, Will we experience His true riches, favor and protection.

Go deeper: Exodus 12:33-36, 16, 17, 19:1-6, Numbers 11-14, Deuteronomy 6:11, Joshua 5:1,10-12, Joshua 12, Joshua 24:13, Zechariah 4:6-10, Matthew 25, 1 Corinthians 15:10, Philippians 4:13, Psalm 23, Psalm 37:23, Psalm 127:2, Acts 17:28, Proverbs 16:9-11,Luke 17:11-19, Psalm 9:17. These scriptures have been referenced throughout this message. Please take the time to read them.

Written by permission of the Holy Spirit

W. Tennant

July 8, 2021

© Godly Parent Power 2021.  No part of Godly Parent Power & The Morning Messages can be used, adapted, or copied without the permission of the copyright holder.

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