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9/16/20 - LOVE COVERS

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

How do we love deeply? I don’t believe any of us are capable of loving that way. Don’t get me wrong or be offended. But think about it. Loving deeply implies that we’re willing to lay our own lives down for, not your children or spouse, but for someone who doesn’t deserve it. Maybe even your enemy. So are we there? We may not be, but I met Someone who did that for me.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭

While I was still His enemy, He died. His death covered the multitude of offenses I had committed against Him. We try, and sometimes we overcome the desire to expose another’s sin, but the covering Peter speaks of that springs from loving deeply can only truly be found in Jesus Christ. He alone has the power to not only cover, but eradicate our past sins. He says these words:

“as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭103:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“Then he adds: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.””

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

And this: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

‭‭John‬ ‭15:13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

None of us has gotten to that place yet. We’re fickle in our demonstration of true love. But if we’re willing to be taught how, our Teacher is willing and ready to take us to that deeper love that covers. When we can’t He can, Love (God Jesus)has covered our sins, when the accuser shows up Jesus declares “I covered that, I took that, I removed that!” Hallelujah He has set up a “NO EXCAVATION “ sign around our lives. The enemy isn’t allowed to exhume what has been buried. Knowing how deeply we are loved and cared for should make us desire to pay it forward. This is why Peter was reminding the Church to love from the deep place of the love demonstrated through Christ Jesus, and cover the misdeeds of others in light of our own weaknesses and failures.

I must admit that I haven’t always loved or covered. I was once a gossiper, I uncovered where I should’ve covered. But I thank Jesus for His discipline, chastening and correction. The Holy Spirit is my constraint. I see myself in people and try to treat them the way I want to be treated. I don’t want to be gossiped about, so I avoid it. I don’t want my credibility as a child of Christ to be called into question so I avoid the pitfalls. The last thing I want to do is bring shame to my precious Father and Lord. While I was a sinner Christ died for me, now that I’m saved, I die daily to the demands of the flesh.

I’ve shared that I wasn’t taught a healthy approach to love. Loving and trusting didn’t come easily to me. But the Love of God has and continues to transform me, everyday I see more of His characteristics and love in me. I’m overwhelmed and grateful. I’m not who I was, and I’m still under construction. How about you? Now when I say to someone, “I love you “ it’s not just words repeated by rote. It’s truly from a transformed place. Jesus be praised. This isn’t where I thought this would go, but I follow His leading always in these messages.

His Love covers us, in everything and every way. We never have to worry about our past when He’s our present and our future. Someone rightfully said, “when He’s number One, there’s no number two.” How true. He’s all we need, all the purest form of Love we’ll ever experience or know. I’m truly transformed. They say if you want to know someone ask their children. You can ask both of mine. I’m not the same person, believe me, I KNOW!! And my daughter knows. Not perfect but transformed. Jesus has done a miracle work in my heart. How sweet He is. I kiss His beautiful face🥰

Love, His Love, Covers. Have you experienced His Love covering? I invite you to run into His embrace. He longs to renew and refresh you. He wants to set up a “no excavation” sign around your life and free you from the torment of your past. He wants to bathe you in His grace. Let go of the entanglements of old habits and be clothed with Him, let go of your past mistakes that still weigh heavily on your heart. The fragrance of Christ is the sweet aroma of His embrace rubbed off on us, a daily display of His love. Don’t you want to smell like Him? When we’re covered like that, then we can cover like that. We can love like that. And the world will know that we’re His, by the love we have for each other.

Father how sweet is the Love You have bestowed upon us! How refreshing to know we’re covered. You have delivered us from the accuser through Jesus’ sacrifice, He faithfully intercedes for us so that whenever the enemy shows up to accuse, He declares us His righteousness, His redeemed, bought and paid for by His Blood. I praise You for teaching us how to reciprocate and offer love and covering to each other in our daily failures. To You be all glory honor and praise. In Jesus Name. Amen

“Look with wonder at the depth of the Father’s marvelous love that He has lavished on us! He has called us and made us His very own beloved children.

‭‭1 John‬ ‭3:1‬a

Written by permission of the Holy Spirit

W. Tennant

© Godly Parent Power 2021.  No part of Godly Parent Power & The Morning Messages can be used, adapted, or copied without the permission of the copyright holder.

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