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There are some things that we can never really prepare for. Those are things that are out of our control. Times when you’re doing all the right things and something comes from left field you couldn’t control the outcome no matter what you did. For example; flooding, fire, car accident, an attack while walking on the street, an unexpected phone call from the police or hospital, a break in, your car being stolen etc. those are unexpected events. None of those things were expected, but even if they were, how do you really prepare for them in order to prevent them? As unexpected as their nature is, we still have an opportunity to prepare as best we can for them. We get insurance, we’re mindful of our surroundings, we put alarms as deterrents on our vehicles, watch out for texters and reckless drivers and don’t be one yourself 😊 but we all know that the best preparation isn’t always foolproof, still we try.

But that’s the negative list. The opportunity the Holy Spirit is speaking to here is one which we know is inevitable but we sit passively by without preparing our response. If you know you have an interview with your dream employer, how would you prepare? If you knew you had an exam that’s due soon, how would you prepare? If you’re told God has a call for your life, how would you prepare? If you have a dream, what are you doing to prepare yourself for the dream becoming a reality? When the opportunity comes, it may be too late to get ready. The time to prepare is now. All the years that I have devoured scriptures and sat under great teachers and read books, was just filling a hungry desire and passion for spiritual things, so I thought. Until I was approached to teach, and now write, about the things that have shaped my entire spiritual journey.

Yes, God qualifies those He calls, but I wouldn’t have anything to offer if I hadn’t first invested the time to learn and study the things I’m now privileged to share. When the opportunity came I felt neither prepared nor qualified for the magnitude of the responsibility. The Holy Spirit has to do the equipping and approving of every written and spoken word. I had no idea that all the reading and studying was being used to prepare me for something greater than my natural abilities. Life and everything it entails is our greatest teacher, if we don’t get bogged down in the process. I never saw myself as a teacher or author. It wasn’t even a dream of mine. I never saw myself as a speaker. I’m a bundle of nerves every time I have to teach or speak. Everyone thinks it’s natural for me, but it really isn’t. I’m a total flop without the Holy Spirit. I’m more comfortable writing in the background, even though my insides are like jello until I write “written by permission of the Holy Spirit.” There are a few people in the Bible who were not qualified by the world’s standards for the opportunity to which they were called. But life events helped shape them and God prepared and qualified them in the process for when the opportunity would arise.

Now that I’ve been given this opportunity, I must now take the responsibility for preparing to do what is required. My children are being used to push me out of my comfort zone. To use the platforms available to bring the message to a wider audience. The Lord knows what He wants and I’m sure He’ll equip me for the next level. He never presents an opportunity without helping us prepare. After all, His Name is on the line. But I have work to do so that everything will be done with excellence, integrity and a character that speaks to who He is. I can no longer just wait to see what happens, I’ve got to make preparation for what’s next. What opportunities are you preparing for? What dreams are about to be fulfilled in your life? They say opportunity knocks once. I’m not sure about that, because we serve a God of multiple chances. But it will only need to knock once if we’re prepared.

Opportunities are not created equal. Some come with great difficulty and trials. Others seem to fall into our laps. While others are thrust upon us. There are some opportunities we couldn’t plan for, but if we belong to Jesus, it all falls into the purview of the “ before you were formed in your mother’s womb I knew you” category. God knows I’m in that category lol. I was clueless. Especially about morning messages. I was asked to teach, I got a dream confirming it was of Him. I asked for a dream and goals for my life, because I had none. I had a dream about writing books. Then I wait for further instructions and move with His rhythm. Out of the blue I’d start receiving information unsolicited but in line with what He wanted me to do. Have you had that experience too? I know I’m not the only one.

If you know what you’re supposed to be doing then waiting without preparing is foolish. If you haven’t a clue but you’re doing the things you love, that may just be your preparation that will lead to opportunities. David was a shepherd, warrior and songwriter. He led and protected the sheep in his care so well that God used those menial skills to prepare him for kingship. Paul was an intellectual genius. He could stand before kings and argue any topic. Joseph was hated because of His dreams. But it was his ability to interpret dreams that brought him from the pit to the palace. Peter was a skilled fisherman, Jesus used that tenacity to bring three thousand fish (souls) into the net of salvation. Mary was getting ready to marry a simple carpenter, but her submission to a mind blowing message, brought us the Savior. We never know what being proactive will produce. But waiting for something to happen is not the way to go.

You want to be married? Prepare before the opportunity comes. You want to own a business? Prepare before the opportunity comes? You want to pursue higher education? Prepare before the opportunity comes. You want to own a home, rent an apartment, change careers? Prepare before the opportunity comes. Waiting to see what’s going to happen is waiting to fail. A body of water that has no movement will turn to a stagnant stinky pond. A life that waits for handouts will never be successful. We must seize the moment and prepare as best we can. Trusting that the Lord who brings the opportunities, will provide us with the tools we need to succeed and bring glory to His Name in the process. We’re told to wait on Him, but we’re not told to be idle.

For your study: the story of David-1 Samuel 16-31; 2 Samuel 1-23

The story of Joseph-Genesis 37,39-50

The story of Paul’s life-Acts 9:1-30; Acts 13,22 and the Pauline epistles.

The story of Mary-Luke 1

The story of Peter-Luke 5, Acts 2

Opportunity knocks until it finds someone willing to open the door.

Written by permission of the Holy Spirit

W. Tennant

September 23, 2021

© Godly Parent Power 2021.  No part of Godly Parent Power & The Morning Messages can be used, adapted, or copied without the permission of the copyright holder.

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